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Mentorship Program

Welcome to the PTC community where we strive to provide a variety of opportunities to learn and explore the world of technology. At PTC’s mentorship program, you will have the opportunity to connect with mentors across Canada’s top universities and learn from their experiences. Throughout the year, you will also have access to numerous resources and events!

This month's theme! Sign up now!

Why join as a mentee?

  • Connect with mentors across Canada’s top universities and programs
  • Prepare for university and future career applications 1-on-1 mentorship for free!
  • Extensive guidance on topics like resumes, interviews, etc.

Why join as a mentor?

  • Connect and guide students along the same path
  • Develop community building skills
  • Honorariums at the end of the year

Monthly Discussions

Sign up now!

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Project Tech Careers


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