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PTCHacks 3.0

Virtual • May 31st - June 2nd, 2024

PTCHacks is PTC's annual 48-hour virtual hackathon, designed exclusively for high school and middle school students. Join us for a weekend of hacking, learning, and fun!

Over the course of the weekend, participants of all levels of experience are challenged to build solutions to real-world problems.

This year's theme is the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Participants can sign up for in teams of up to 4 to compete in one of four tracks to compete for prizes!


The application for PTCHacks 3.0 is open until 23:59 EST on May 30th! Sign up individually or as a team.

Event Tracks

PTCHacks 3.0 will feature 4 tracks for participants to choose from. Partcipants will build solutions according to each track's challenge statement and compete against other teams in the track.

beginner track
below water
climate action
gender equality

More information coming soon.


A hackathon is an event which allows people to show off their skills through a competition of coding. Once the time limit is up, then the participants are asked to submit their code and then it will be judged.

No, not at all. PTC is interested in bringing in people from every level of coding to our event, especially beginners. There is a specific beginner track that will teach you the basics of coding in python. See our beginner track below!

Depending on the topic track that you choose, the speaker will talk about the SDG issue that is related to that topic. They will give insight in their professional field and explain further the issues with solving their respective SDG.

Your goal for this hackathon is to make a program which can help resolve an SDG issue of your choice of topic. This can be by trying to make a program which spreads awareness of the topic or by directly helping those who are affected.

Our hackathon this year will be held completely virtually. There will be zoom calls to hold our speakers and workshops, where you can learn and ask questions.

PTC will have people helping judge the event, as well as university students outside of the organization who will judge based off of the performance of the program itself.

2 days! Through March 29th to 31st of 2024.

Our Sponsors

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Project Tech Careers


Charitable Registration No. 771791670RR0001