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Application Tips

General Tips

General Help - Balance

Applying for universities can be a daunting challenge and it’s important to know what supports you have and keep up in all the other commitments you have despite the time you need to commit to applying. Here are some tips to ensure you can maintain success in the months where you’re applying.

1. Keep a comprehensive schedule of when applications are due and/or open. This will ensure that you don’t have any last minute surprises that cause unnecessary distress. It can also be helpful to keep track of documents and information you’re expecting back, such as test scores or transcripts in case you need to follow up on them.

2. Create a priority list of the tasks you need to complete for school or extracurriculars so that you can have a good idea of whether or not you can maintain the same level of engagement at this time or if you need to drop back. There’s no shame or harm in putting some things first and giving up others!

Application Help - The Basics

Filling out your personal information can be incredibly monotonous and boring - but it’s critical that this step be done right. Here’s some information to make sure you don’t make any preventable mistakes in this part of your application.

1. Have a document of all the personal and academic information saved in a separate word document or PDF so that you don’t need to cross reference documents each time you need to fill out the same information in their applications

2. Prepare official documents such as transcripts prior to beginning applications to prevent any surprises in the case there are delays or issues in obtaining the document. Include all documents that you might need - for US applications, this can include documentation from grade 9 (as opposed to just 10-12 for most Canadian institutions)

3. Carefully read the requirements on formatting as some information can have different requirements for certain applications that will be annoying to need to fix later (for grade scales, make sure you select the right marking criteria to match your school’s)

4. Double check all dates and key information like name and address for typos as issues in these fields can lead to major issues later in the processing of the application (these usually aren’t caught until documents are being verified after offers are made)

Application Help - Extracurriculars and community involvement

While Canadian institutions typically require less information about extracurriculars, this just means you need to stand out even more when presented the opportunity to talk about the things you’re involved in outside of academics. See below for some tips to make sure you can separate yourself from the crowd!

1. Before you look for extracurricular activities that help you in your applications and resume, understand what kind of things you genuinely want to do - it will be difficult to stay committed to activities that you don’t enjoy and don’t care about, which will reflect in your experiences and how much you gain from them

2. Approach extracurricular activities in a goal oriented manner. There should be skills you’re trying to improve, communities you want to be able to help, or achievement levels you want to reach. Otherwise, it can be very easy to do extracurriculars and be unable to reference anything tangible you got out of them, which both reduces the effectiveness of the activity for your own improvement and on your applications. These goals can be big or small, but are also measurable enough such that you can know when they have been achieved so you can set more goals. This can also help extracurricular activities feel more fulfilling, as at the end of the day, they are only what you make of them.

Canadian Applications

Canadian institutions tend to have relatively simple applications, requiring less information about extracurricular activities and community involvement when compared to applications for institutions in the US or Europe. Typically, they will only require you to provide personal information and educational information (more will be provided on this later), with only some programs requiring supplemental work.

Usually applications for Canadian institutions are due at the beginning of the year you are studying in (if you are attending school in fall of 2023, your applications will be due in January - March of 2023). This means that they will be due later than the applications for many institutions in the US, which you might want to take into consideration when deciding which applications to prioritize in the fall semester.

Typically for Canadian applications, you won’t need need to reference specific experiences for your extracurricular activities, so articulating your time in each won’t be as important, but it’s a good idea to keep track of key achievements and milestones you achieve.

US Applications

Most US institutions will fall under the Common Application, which is a singular application that you fill out with personal information and an essay and then add to depending on what the institution requires. Otherwise, some schools such as MIT and CalTech will have their own application processes which are specific to their institution which includes further supplemental writing and/or references. Many institutions in California fall under the UC application, so if you’re applying to Berkeley, UCLA, etc. that is what you should refer to.

One thing you’ll need to consider for US applications is standardized testing such as the SAT and ACT. While US institutions to look more heavily at extracurriculars than grades, good scores on these tests can set a good precedent for the rest of your application. See more information on standardized tests in our standardized testing guide!

As mentioned, US applications will focus greatly on the quality of your extracurricular profile and who you are as a person. In addition to the maximum of 10 activities you’ll be able list in the common application, universities will often ask questions about experiences you’ve had in your extracurriculars, as well as questions to better understand your personality. Examples might include something you do in your free time just for fun or a cause you’re very passionate about. It’s important to exhibit both your skills and personality in these questions, while not sounding arrogant or as if you’re writing specifically to appease an admissions officer. One way to achieve this is to ensure that you focus on experiences that were truly meaningful to you, which often make it easier to recall the crucial barriers and learning experiences you went through. Being able to express how the activity made you feel throughout your response also give some insight into what kind of person you are, which you can use to your advantage when sculpting your story in your application. Do not be afraid to completely scrap old versions of your writing as responses to these application questions can take numerous iterations before they look like something you’re happy with.

European Applications

General Information

Applying to European institutions will vary greatly depending on which parts of Europe you are considering. Many students initially look into European institutions and think about the famous English institutions like Oxford or Cambridge, but there are numerous opportunities elsewhere which can offer students great opportunities as well.

It’s easiest to assess different institutions in Europe by splitting by geographic region. First of all, the Scandinavian countries in Northern Europe. Education costs tend to be lower in this area, with the bulk of the cost instead being in living costs. That being said, Scandinavian countries are known for their high standard of living and the beautiful landscapes, perhaps making the added living costs worth it.

Next, East/Central Europe. Perhaps less appealing than some of the other regions, East and Central European institutions are still good options looking to lower their education and living costs, which are drastically lower than the average in other regions.

Western European institutions are usually the ones that come to mind when talking about post secondary education in Europe. Western Europe includes many big name universities than can be quite costly to study at, but can also provide fulfilling opportunities both in education and in life experiences. Some of these institutions also have quite the sway with just their name, which can be incredibly helpful for any other applications or resumes.

Last but not least, Southern Europe includes many destinations such as Spain and Italy. These countries can have very fun and unique experiences for students pursuing their degree there.

Many of these universities require distinct application processes so more information on that will needed to be collected by you, though the processes are typically pretty straightforward or will list out key steps to you.

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